Across the Rooftops no.15, 1998

Across the Rooftops no.17, 1998
… beneath the primordial space created by the jostling lozenges we catch an occasional glimmer of something more familiar and formal, a pattern of cross-hatching derivative of the classic modernist grid so beloved by the other infamous generation of synaesthesiasts; the 1960s North America school. Band plays a whimsical game with us here, hinting at his painterly heroes but also at the more pervasive tartan of his genes – the kilt within the Scot.
– Anna Clabburn

Across the Rooftops no.9, 1998

Across the Rooftops no.11, 1998

Across the Rooftops no.38, 1998

Across the Rooftops no.18, 1998

Across the Rooftops no.25, 1998

Across the Rooftops, 1998

Across the Rooftops no.5, 1998

Across the Rooftops no. 30, 1998

Across the Rooftops, 1998

Across the Rooftops no.10, 1998

Across the Rooftops no. 24, 1998

Across the Rooftops no. 14, 1998