Imbibe with me XII, 2008

Imbibe with me (with Andrew Browne), 2008

Imbibe with me (with Brent Harris), 2008

Imbibe with me (grey glass), 2008
A cup can be a symbol of communion, of sharing the experiences of life.
But I don’t think about Band’s work in these terms. Sometimes a cup is just a cup. As I walked around his exhibition, I arrived at a print and was captivated by its colours and simple shapes. It made me linger: beauty does not hide – it proudly proclaims its status, seducing the senses in the process.
– Ross Waterman

There Stands the Glass, 2005

Imbibe with me (with John Young), 2008

Imbibe with me (with Robert Jacks), 2008

Imbibe with me XI, 2008

Imbibe with me (with Louise Blyton), 2008

Imbibe with me (with David Bromley), 2008

Imbibe with me IV, 2008

Imbibe with me V, 2008