After the Rain #12, 2003
David Band’s layered paper patterns transport us back to the lyrical space of childhood creativity, specifically to the art of the spirograph. Band’s brand of wallpaper walks easily between the realms of commercial and high art, happy to invent its own tune of playful optimism, spontaneous and infectious.
– Anna Clabburn

Waiting for Butterflies no.19, 2002

Waiting for Butterflies no.21, 2002

Waiting for Butterflies no.17, 2002

After the Rain no.14, 2003

Waiting for Butterflies, 2002

Waiting for Butterflies no.24, 2002

After the Rain, 2003

After the Rain no.17, 2003

After the Rain, 2003

Waiting for Butterflies, 2002

After the Rain, 2003