Plate I (white), 1998

Plate II (yellow), 1998

Plate III (green), 1998
Like most good ideas, Tenplates was born late one evening after consuming an incredible Geoff Lindsay meal and some of Victoria’s finest wines. The conversation turned to something we all had in common – colour. A major part of all of our work. The richness and passion in David’s work, the visual splendor of Geoff’s creations and the craft of the printed piece, all shared a common essential thread – the use of colour.
Already it was too late, the collaboration had begun: Food, Art, Print. When you throw a challenging idea around with two committed, energetic and talented people like David and Geoff something great is bound to happen, Tenplates was born. Loosely using Miles Davis Aura CD as a basis for the colours David set to work doing visuals, Geoff fired up the hob and his creative juices and developed ten beautiful dishes. Some favourites, some new, all inspired by these colours.
David then used Geoff’s dishes as the inspiration for his own Tenplates a series of ten etchings capturing the colour, beauty and texture of the food. The culmination is the coming together of the two in the printed form, more than a cook book, a project that celebrates the harmony of food and art. A celebration in colour – Tenplates.
– Andrew Gunn

Plate IV (blue), 1998

Plate V (orange), 1998

Plate VI (red), 1998

Plate VII (indigo), 1998

Plate VIII (brown), 1998

Plate IX (violet), 1998

Plate X (black), 1998