Miles Mode

His final show, closing today, the day of his funeral — 28 April 2011 — was remarkable for the air of luxe, calm and volupte. A culmination of his natural instincts toward graphic linear abstractions, it is a beautiful series, without any sense of foreboding. Titled “Miles Mode” after the jazzman, the apparently simple shapes float on a field of hue-inflected textured white, recalling trumpets and boats — sailing away, a jazz-blown wind in the canvas.
– W H Chong

The Melody, 2010

My Ship 2, 2011

Bye Bye Blackbird, 2011

Acid Tongue (body and soul), 2010

Spanish Key, 2011

Acid Tongue #3, 2010

My Ship (study), 2011

Melody (study), 2011