The Most Wanted Man in the World, 1994
“David asked me for permission to do a series of paintings based on my songs. “Sure”, I said. Before the exhibition opened he came around and showed me some of them. The guitar-toting Ned Kelly à la Nolan jumped out of the pack and punched me in the eyes. Right then and there I knew I had my next record cover.”
– Paul Kelly
Stories of Me, 1994
Leaps and Bounds, 1994
Little Decisions, 1994
Sixteenth Floor, 1994
Last Train to Heaven, 1994
From Little Things, 1994
Randwick Bells, 1994
Other People’s Houses, 1994
To her door, 1994
Sixteenth Floor II, 1994
Stories of Me, 1994
Between Two Shores, 1994